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2014 Alumni Celebration Candids


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Honor Class of 1935 – 80th Anniversary

Betty Kessler, Florence Storey



Honor Class of 1939 -- 75th Anniversary

Ed Camblin



Honor Class of 1944 -- 70th Anniversary

Eldon Purdy, Warren Johnson, Richard Gilbertson

Phyllis Hammel, Bernice Lane Fontaine



Honor Class of 1949 -- 65th Anniversary

Charles Kay, James Dawson, Richard Deardurff

Hellen Madison Kemp-Miller, Denzil Borem, Patricia Thurston McKee



Honor Class of 1954 -- 60th Anniversary

Gerald Born, Eugene Berry, Judy Lock Dodd, Bernard Schultz, Dave Borem



Honor Class of 1959 -- 55th Anniversary

Dennis Vanderwall

Harold Krueger, Tom Shuey, Keith Wiltfang, Richard Brunton

Cecile Kwiatkowski Christenson, Donna Elgas Rush, Leta Sapp Speer



Honor Class of 1964 -- 50th Anniversary

Back Row: Gary Plaster, Dean Loveall, Kathleen Hayes Hershman, Beverly Sheldon, John Henry Hess, Millie Jones Gagnon,

Steve Brandt, Beverly Sherman Bingham, and Charles Roadruck


Front Row: Judy Plunkett Wien, Janet Warne Allen, Rosemary Triplett Kroll, Marsha Caamblin Vaughn, Karen

Harrison McClatchey, Donna Kay McClatchey Moore, Janice Swartz Bishop. and Joyce Morgan Fertig



Honor Class of 1969 -- 45th Anniversary

Sandy Kros Riley, Carla Schultz Loveall

(Graduated at North Newton)










Class of 1964 Open House at the Legion



Alumni Social Hour at the Gym




Connie Ackors Sell ‘63, Frances Taylor Zerhle ‘46 w/ husband, 

Diane “McCord” Schuerich ’56.


Ron Rush ’55, and Donna “Elgas” Rush ’59, Gerald Born ‘54,

Roger Abraham ‘61 w/wife




Vic Carlson ’42, and Betty “Heath” Carlson ’47, Florence “Augustin” Bunning ’55.


Bernice “Lane” Fontaine ‘44 w/daughter, Shirley “Boyd“ Storey ’47.




Charles Kay ‘49 w/wife, Eldon Purdy ‘44 w/wife and daughter


Arthur Augustin ‘46, Keith Wiltfang ’59 and Mary “Sheldon“ Wiltfang ‘60,

Tom Shuey ’59 w/wife


Banquet & Business Meeting









Gerald Born ‘54, Judy Lock Dodd ‘54


Ruth Blann Warrick ‘38, Betty Hagan Kessler ‘35, Florence Mashino Storey ‘35




Spokesman for Class of ’44, Warren Johnson


Spokesman for Class of ’49, Richard Deardurff




Spokesman for Class of ’54, Gerald Born


Spokeswoman for Class of ’59, Leta Sapp Spoor




Cheerleaders that were present led the Association in the traditional singing of the School Song to close the Banquet.


L-R: Judy Warne Armstrong ‘58, JoAlice Warne Belt ‘65, Rosemary Triplett Kroll ’64, Janet Warne Allen ‘64,

Jill Anderson Hammel ‘68, Betty Hagen Kessler ‘44, Carolyn Holley Geller ‘67







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