Photographers: Larry
Schanlaub, ‘63 |
Alumni Celebration Candids
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Honor Class of 1941 -- 80th Anniversary!!!
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Honor Class of 1946 -- 75th Anniversary!!!
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Honor Class of 1951 -- 70th Anniversary!!!
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Honor Class of 1956 -- 65th
Anniversary |
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Honor Class of 1961 -- 60th
Anniversary L to R - Herb Barnett, John Warring, Earl “Cap” Kessler, Darlene (Spurgeon) Truby, Walt Zelivitz, Roslynn (Merchant) Boyd, Ron Madison, Ted Hayes and Dennis Boyd |
Honor Class of 1965 -- 55th
Anniversary Celebrated from Last Year L to R -
Lonny Dale Floyd, Mary Graves, Barney Belt, Florence (Bertram)
Burnside, JoAlice (Warne) Belt |
Social Hour and Banquet Candid Photos |
Jack Storey, spokesman for Class of 1956 |
Stewart Hammel, spokesman for Class of 1960 |
Ron Madison, spokesman for Class of 1961 |
Ted Hayes, Pres. Cheryl (Merchant) Newell, Secy.
JoAlice (Warne) Belt |
Allen Cox, Class of 1960 |
Carolyn (Webb) Wardle, Class of 1960 |
Traditional Banquet Closing Cheerleaders Leading the
singing of the School Fight Song L to R - JoAlice (Warne) Belt, Carol (Potts) Warring, Carolyn (Holley) Geller, Carolyn (Merchant) Wiltfang, and Linda (Mashino) Gibson |