Morocco Times Subscription Form


Please enter my subscription to the Morocco Times.

(Please check one)

For 6 months _____  the cost for 6 months is $14.00

For 12 months _____  the cost for 12 months is $25.00

Make checks payable to Morocco Times, and send this completed form along with your payment to:

Morocco Times, P.O. Box 171, Morocco, IN 47963.


My mailing address is:

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________



My phone number* is: _____________________

(* Only to be used by Morocco Times in case we have a question about your order)



Gift Subscription Form

If this is to be a gift subscription, also please fill out the following for the person receiving the gift.


Please enter a gift subscription to the Morocco Times.

The Gift Recipient’s name and mailing address is:

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________





MHSAlumni Site Form 07/2009








