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Minutes of the Morocco High Alumni Banquet May 24, 2008




The 60th Anniversary Morocco High School banquet was held in the Morocco

School Gymnasium Saturday May 24, 2008.



The evening began with the Old Gold and Black social hour, hosted by Betty (Hagen) Kessler ‘35, with the help of her daughter Vickie (Kessler) ’65, and Janice (Swartz) ‘64. 


President Larry Schanlaub, ‘63 welcomed the 240 graduates and guests to the 60th Alumni anniversary.  He introduced Vice-President Dennis Boyd, ‘61 and wife Roslyn (Merchant)  ‘61, also a welcome to former grade school teachers Betty (Hagen) Kessler ‘35, Marian (Johnson) Copestick, ’55, and high school teacher Margaret (Rainford) Merchant, ‘40, and Charlene (Molter) Sammons.


Bonnie (Barnett) Storey, ‘57 gave the invocation before the banquet served by the Country Gals with The Brook Methodist Youth group assisting.  President Schanlaub also thanked the NN High School FFA for setting up the tables and chairs.


President Schanlaub called to the 2008 MHS Alumni meeting to order.  On this Memorial Day Week-end it is fitting to honor those who have served in the Armed Forces. All veterans were asked to stand and be recognized, the group assembled for this evening showed their gratitude with a round of applause. 


The 2008 business meeting opened with the reading of the 2007 minutes and financial report by Connie Sell. Minutes were approved as read.  The slate of Officers for the 2009 Alumni were presented by President Schanlaub, President Dennis Boyd ‘61, Vice-President, Ted Hayes ‘61, Co-Sec/Treas. Connie (Ackors) Sell ‘63, Judy (Cupp) Schultz ‘58, Historian.  Motion made to accept slate of Officers as presented, seconded, motion passed.


Dave DeKoker spoke about the Morocco High School Alumni website and its growing success.  He thanked all of those who had visited as well as those who are participating in the secure Alumni email addresses listing program.         


President Schanlaub recognized the Alumni members present who graduated from MHS before the construction of the Morocco Gym.  Those in attendance were, Vane Harrison ‘35, Betty (Hagen) ‘35, Jeanette (Yates) ’35, Florence (Mashino) ‘35, Stan Harrison ‘37, Don Camblin ‘35, and Carrie Evelyn (Murphey) ‘33.  Joining later in the evening was the 2008 oldest Alumnus present, Juanita (McClatchey), Class of 1931.


President Schanlaub called upon a spokesman from each honored class to the microphone.




      September 7, 1914 marked another milestone in the history of Morocco High School, for on that day gartered the Class of 1918:

Vera Ramey, Gladys Smith, Leonard Carlson, Bethel Deardurff, Paul Willis, Madge Swartz, Oliver Johnson, Cora Hansen, Hazel Beckwith, Vane Smith, Bethel Hunter, George Sallee, Lillian Russell, Irol Burton, Opal Norris, Ethel Hendricks, Sinclair Irvin, Jessie Wampshire, Ernest Russell, Pearle Smith, Ester Purkey, Gilbert Moore, Georgie West, Mildred Padgett, Leota Elijah, Chester Travis, Fern Sinks, Lucille Stockton, Alvin Bell, Earl Doxzen, Harley Willliams, Ary King.      

      In the classroom we worked with a great deal of zeal and enthusiasm, building a firm foundation for succeeding years. From the first we began work in a business like way, by organizing ourselves early and settling into the real high school life.

      The first class meeting was held at Hazel Beckwith’s and the following officers were elected, Sinclair Irvin, president; Fern Sinks, secretary; Mildred Padgett, treasurer. We chose green and white for class colors and decided that each should pay ten cents per month into the class treasury.

      The sophomore year found us with a few added to the class and several missing. Those added were Clayton Milligan, Ruby Pring, Hilda Morehouse, Walter McGregor, Lloyd Dearfurff and those discontinuing were Ernest Russell, George Salle, Irol Burton, Ethel Hendricks, Georgie West, Jessie Wampshire, Sinclair Irvin, and Bethel Deardurff.  Faculty: Mr. W.W. Wells- Superintendent, W. D. Stevens- Principal; Chloe Hulse- Asst Principal.  In this year we elected the following officers, Clayton Milligan –President; (succeeded by Chester Travis), Mildred Padgett-treasurer, Cora Hansen-secretary. These officers continued though out the next three years.

      About Thanksgiving time our Superintendent, Mr. Wells decided that “man shall not live alone,” and on Christmas day our Principal Mr. Stevens decided to follow Mr. Wells example.

      In the junior year we had for our new faculty, Mr. W. D. Stevens-Superintendent, Chloe Hulse-Principal, and Marion Applegate- Asst principal.  The new classmates were, Belva Cobb, Lewis Black and Harold McKee. Those not coming back were Clayton Milligan, Ester Purkey, Ruby Pring, Madge Swartz, Pearle Smith, Lillian Russell and Fern Sinks.  This year we worked especially hard in raising money for the class treasury. We gave the Junior Reception in honor of the seniors in the High School auditorium.

      No new students were added to the class in the senior year. A few from the year before were missing. Those were Gilbert Moore, who graduated with the class of 1917, and Ary King and Paul Willis.  Our faculty for this year was, Mr. W. D. Stevens-Superintendent, Olive Potter- Principal, and Earl Applegate- Asst Principal.

      In athletics we won a name for ourselves, having a 100% football record. The class is proud of the fine material, which it has given to the High School team.

      We pledged $30 to the Y.M.C.A and made the money by giving a class play.  In the first part of December our Superintendent, Mr. Stevens enlisted in the army and after some delay was succeeded by R. F. Ringham.  School notes were written by the Senior Class for Mr. Stevens benefit and were published each week in the Morocco Courier.  Our former teacher Marion Applegate, having enlisted in the army during the summer visited the High School and gave an interesting talk on army life.

      Although we had an excellent football team, we were entirely unfamiliar with basketball until Mr. Ringham became our Superintendent. He immediately organized a team and although we were working under very great difficulties we succeeded in getting our team ready to enter the sectional tournament at Hammond, Ind.  In the basketball work the seniors took quite an active part.

      This year we picked out our class motto, which is: “The past forever gone, the future still our own,” and decided on a white rose for the class flower.

      The High School organized a Junior Red Cross for the purpose of helping the students “do their bit”. Also each class organized a thrift society and had the report of the war savings of each class printed in the School Notes.

      Having acquitted ourselves creditably in the schoolwork our class graduated with the following enrollment:

    Lucille Stockton - full of fancy, full of folly, full of jollity and fun.

    Chester Travis – That fuzzy head is full of wisdom, but still he had his troubles in Caesar.

    Oliver Johnson – Perfectly safe and quiet, will stand without flitching.

    Earle Doxzen – Has been trying for years to get somebody to love him, do you wonder the girls are shy?

    Vane Smith – He has decided to become a prominent citizen, if you don’t believe it look at his clothes.

    Vera Ramey – Fair, fat and good natured, a very juicy morsel for the cannibals.

    Hazel Beckwith – She has a heaven-sent gift of oratory, which will probably be used for the benefit of suffrage.

    Opal Norris – Majestic in her person, tall and straight.

    Mildred Padgett – The girl of wise sayings and helpful advice.

    Walter McGregor – A smiling gallant he, Ever found in ladies company

    Cora Hansen – Having out grown her youthful foolishness is now waiting an opportunity to pursue her course in life.              

    Lloyd Deardurff – Plays politics on the side and is Wilson’s right hand man in Morocco.

    Leonard Carlson – As prone to mischief, as able to perform it.

    Hilda Morehouse – The most bashful girl in school, the boys take phonographs to talk to her when they call on her.                

    Leota Elijah – Good at all kinds of dancing, both the sort you do with your feet and the other kind.

    Gladys Smith – Has a loving disposition and takes life easy.

    Bethel Hunter – Very peaceable and quiet and a loyal classmate.

       All will look back on four years of high school life with happy memories of day of pleasure and days of toll, days of failure and days of success. The future is ours for honorable achievement and high attainment.                




THE CLASS OF 1933 graduated with 36 members. Carrie Evelyn (Murphey) Linduska was the only member present for their 75th celebration.  Dave DeKoker was the speaker on his Great Aunt’s behalf.  There are four members living, Carrie Evelyn and Gartha (Hanger) of Morocco, Agnes (Schilling) of South Dakota and Marjorie (Jackson) of Lafayette.  This was the largest class that had graduated from MHS at that time. There were 12 boys and 24 girls in the class known as the “depression kids”. They had no prom, no yearbook, no senior pictures.  Even with tough economic times the students and Faculty carried on most of the school activities.  Class colors: Green and White, Class flower: Lily of the Valley, and the Class Motto: “Out of School’s Life into ‘Life’s School’”. 


Teachers for the 32-33 school year were: Dorothy (Odell) Doellner, Latin; Mary Hayes Chamberlain, Music; Alvin Stoner, Math; Rex Plowman, Biology; Irma (Greenham) Judy, Home Ed.; Ruth (Connelly) Fellers, Latin-Commerce; Ruth Corbin, History-Government;

Ann Younger, English; Matilda (Auman) Collins, Latin-Commerce; Jesse Lash, Coach; and Principal, Cecil Grayson.

Looking Back, May 11 1933, Morocco Courier:

(Note: “Looking Back” articles courtesy of Historian Judy (Cupp) Schultz)


The Senior Class Play “Has Anyone Seen Jean” was under the direction of Miss Ann Younger. This was a comedy in three acts, like many other productions put on at the local school under the direction of Miss Ann Younger of the high school faculty, the 1933 senior play was a decided success and reflected considerable credit on her system of training…..




THE CLASS OF 1938 was honored to have Hattie (Bailey) as the spokesman. Members attending their 70th Alumni reunion were Bonnie  (Hammel); Barbara (Hanger); Helen (Warrick); Ruth (Blann); and Blanche (Deardurff), who had joined the group earlier in the evening.


Looking Back, May 12, 1938, Old Gold and Black:


One September morning about eight 0’clock the wind began blowing. The center of low pressure seemed to be near the school building.  These winds proved to do someone good for fifty-three little freshmen were drawn there to begin their careers in the Morocco High School.


At our first class meeting, we elected Mavis Stine, president; Mary  Grayson, vice-president; Frances Lash, secretary-treasurer; and Miss Ruth Corbin, Sponsor.  During the freshman year, we had several students, both boys and girls, who were outstanding in athletics. At the Christmas season, the English classes very ably presented their first high school play, “Why The Chimes Ring.”   We closed our Freshman year with the usual events.


The following September, we came back as sophomores, older and wiser we thought, but our teachers soon informed us differently. We elected Lou Ellen Renville, president: Damon Bernwanger, Vice-president; and Jean Hafstrom, secretary/ treasurer. The girls were quite outstanding this year by the fact that they composed the entire girl’s basketball team. The Sophomore year was closed with the regular class party and a trip to Turkey Run.


We began our junior year with 40 members in the class.  This year proved to be one of the most outstanding years of our high school life. At our first class meeting Bud Garrard was selected president; Damon Bernwanger, vice-president; Jean Hafstrom, secretary. and Evelyn Purdy, treasurer. We had the honor of presenting the first play in the new gymnasium, the title of which was “Growing Pains.”  The receipts from this production were applied on the stage curtains. This year, the junior class had the privilege of becoming member of the Sunshine club, Press club, Hi-Y, and Girls Athletic Association.  Morocco was host to the Sectional Tournament this year and the Juniors sold candy and popcorn. With these receipts the juniors purchased two spotlights for the Morocco High School, which have proved very useful to the entire school. On May 14, the junior prom, which is the greatest social event of the year, was held in the new gymnasium and compliment to the class of nineteen hundred and thirty-seven. They gladly admitted that we surprised them in the excellence of our entertainment and that we did them honor as well as ourselves. This year was very successfully closed with another trip to Turkey Run.


The next year we came back as Seniors, the envy of high school. The class officers were elected at our first meeting. The following officers were elected: Bud Garrard, president; Damon Bernwanger, vice-president; Raymond Bingham, secretary; and Lloyd Lane, treasurer, The first event or our senior year was taking our class pictures by the Attica Studios, Class rings were also purchased this year bearing the Morocco school emblem. The next outstanding event for the seniors was the senior play, “Broken Dishes,” in which the entire class showed their ability and willingness to cooperate for a successful production. During this year, we showed our athletic ability with ten of our members receiving jacket awards for their efforts.  Lloyd Lane, Bud Garrard and Warren Gorman served as captains of the football and basketball teams during this year. During this last year, our work has been in a manner lessened and we have enjoyed our school life and dread the separation so soon to come. In spite of our many mistakes and hasty actions we have successfully completed our high school course. Our aims and our ideals have been partially reached and we go out into the world, we will strive after that perfection we hope to attain in fullness of time.   

                                     Mildred McClatchey, Jean Hafstrom…..




THE CLASS OF 1943 celebrating their 65th Alumni had David Carlson of Michigan as spokesman; only two other members were present Doris (Hayslip) of Morocco and Juanita (Bingham) of Remington Indiana.  Dave spoke about many  “pranks” that happen during his school years. He was not just sure who all was involved in these but did emphasized that he was just speaking from hearsay…


During this high school years many teachers and classmates were called to serve their country.  Principal, Harlan White was called to duty and left in December.  Willis Adams served as Principal for the second semester.  Commercial teacher Mr. Ashley left for the Navy.


Looking Back, May 6, 1943 Morocco Courier:


Junior-Senior Prom:  Three hours of excellent entertainment was enjoyed by about 65 couples that attended the annual junior and senior prom    Saturday night in the Morocco gym.  The juniors are to be complimented on their decorations, which were done at half the expense of last year.


The stage was decorated with a background of music bars and stars, above which was a moon. The punch booth was decorated similar and the girls who served wore crowns with 1943 on them. The length of the floor was reduced by decorations along it made on the same pattern.


Since our gym is so spacious there was a section for spectators, which was well filled with people from our vicinity and also from Lake Village.


The highlight of the evening was the “Grand March.” All lights were turned on and the couples marched down the gym lead by the junior president, Verlye Bartholomew, and guest, Dorothy Bernwanger.  The corsages worn by the girls were composed of defense stamps and flowers.  The music was furnished by Ernie Englund and his band. Under adverse circumstances splendid music was furnished by this youthful organization.


Looking Back, May 13, 1943, Morocco Courier:


Friday evening 28 students of Morocco high school commence on another phase in the journey through life, and will receive their diplomas as a mark that they have successfully reached another station in the journey. What lays ahead no one can foretell. Some will enter commercial life, some will continue their studies, and some will enter homes and some will serve Uncle Sam as two members are now doing.


Sunday the baccalaureate services were held in the Methodist church.  Rev. Ivan Woods giving the sermon, Rev. H.H. Cloud the scripture reading and Rev. Wesley Smith the benediction.


At the commencement exercises Friday evening, two vacant chairs will be decorated with service flags, those of Donald Moore and Chester Wiltfang, who have already entered the United States Army and are now serving their country




THE CLASS OF 1948 had 35 graduates.  Six members were present to celebrate their 60th Class reunion, Joan (DeVelde); Dale Dawson, Mary (Lazaraton), Ann (Manes), Irene (Hardy), and Audrey (Bingham).  Richard Colbourne of California had sent a floral arrangement for their banquet table in honor of the Class of 1948. Joan (DeVelde), spokesman for the class, related to the fact that it was their class who had organized the Morocco Alumni Association. 


Looking Back, May 6, 1948, Morocco Courier:


Junior-Senior Prom to be Held Saturday Night.  On May 8, 1948, the junior class will present the annual junior-senior prom in the school gymnasium from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m.  The music for the prom will be furnished by Ross Melk’s orchestra from Kankakee. The band containing nine members is well balanced and is accompanied by a woman vocalist.


The song, “Serenade of the Bells” is to be the theme song and the gymnasium will be decorated accordingly. Permission has been obtained by the class to put up a false ceiling. The ceiling will be made up of red and white crepe paper. Intermingled together on the false ceiling will be gay-colored balloons and bells.


A white picket fence will be set at the north end of the gymnasium and also on the stage. The background on the stage will be a church with a path leading to it and a couple walking toward the church. Bells will be hung on the curtains of the stage.  The tables are to be covered with white cloths. The dance programs which are white with red tassels will be used as place cards on the tables.


All guests will register their names in a book, which will be placed by the door. Their names and the year they graduated or will graduate will be written in the register. The punch will be served by the eighth grade girls.  At ten-thirty the Grand March will be held with Gene Parsons, the junior class president, and his guest, Barbara Carter, leading and the Junior and Senior class officers following.  At eleven-thirty the balloons will be dropped from the false ceiling. The lights will be turned on for one half hour so that spectators may see the decorations and attire of the guests- Old Gold and Black.                                    

Looking Back: The Old Gold and Black- May 13, 1948


500 Attend M.H.S. Senior Class Play   

Nearly 500 persons witnessed the humorous “Good Night, Ladies” a three-act comedy, presented by the senior class of 1948 on Friday, April 30 in the high school gymnasium.


As the play began, the audience became quiet; however, as the story continued laughter literally rang to the sky. The cast was forced to stop in the middle of speeches and begin again as the crowd continued laughing.  According to authorities, this was the largest number of persons ever to see a Junior Play in Morocco at one time.


Between the second and third acts. Willard Gulley, class president, presented the three directors, Forrest Kester, J. E. Stewart, and Reverend E.D. Thistlethwaite with tokens of appreciation.  After the greater part of the crowd had left, pictures of the cast were taken by the Rev.Thistlethwaite. – Old Gold and Black.


Senior Class History from 1944-1948   

The fall of 1944 saw a large class of fifty-four Freshmen entering M.H.S. Dick Colbourne was elected president; Don Deardurff, Vice-president; Ernest Myers, secretary; Bill Miller, treasurer; Willard Gulley and Barbara Hunter, student council members; and Miss Ruth Tilton was the class sponsor.  During the first year Joan Develde, Dottie Barnett, Dick Mortarity, and Willard Justice enrolled and Marjorie Camblin, Ronald Davis, Frieda Dick, Elaine Edwards, Harvey Gibson, Ada Jane Hanford, Katherine Lamphier, Maxine Schultz, Kenneth Wood, and Ruth Young withdrew from the class.  As was all preceding freshmen, the seniors initiated the class. The freshman girls, singing the school song, were compelled to parade at a football game in the afternoon; some of the some of the boys took part in a fashion show of the latest and snappiest wearing apparel for women.


As Sophomores, the class had as its officers: Ernest Myers, president; Barbara Hunter, Vice-president; Harold Martin, secretary; Willard Gulley, treasurer; Don Deardurff and June Wiltfang, student council members and Alvin Stoner was the sponsor, of the class.

Joan Lowry, Joyce Chapman, Robert Koerner, and Bunny Thompson entered the class and the following withdrew: Charlotte Behrens, Pearl Dubea, Earl Gentry, Ernest Myers, Bonnie Brown, Harold Parker, Joan Lowry, and Willard Justice.


The officers during the Junior year were: Harold Martin, president; Lon Skinner, vice-president; Joan DeVelde, secretary; Bill Miller, treasurer; Audrey Bingham and Dick Colbourne, student council members; and the class sponsor was Miss Marion Hamilton. The big event of the junior year was the sponsoring of the Junior-Senior Prom, which was held on Saturday May 3, 1947 the theme song was “Penthouse Serenade” with music furnished by Renold Young and his orchestra. For class night they presented “Junior Follies” with consisted of imitations of Spike Jones a d his City Slickers, Al Jolson, Beatrice Kaye, and a chorus composed of the class. This year the class gained Dorothy Anderson, Marjorie Purdy, Bonnie Brown, and Bob Christenson, and lost Violet Bushman, Phyllis Gordon, Joyce Iliff, LeRoy Klein, Raymond Jonkman, Joyce Koerner, Howard Lane, Dorothy Spillers, Dean Wright, Bob Christenson, Bob Koerner, Agatha Kavaicik, and Joyce Chapman.


At last the big year arrived and the Freshman class of ’44 had become Seniors. Willard Gulley was elected president; Dale Dawson, Vice-president; Don Deardurff, treasurer; Georgia Purdy, secretary; Dick Colbourne and June Wiltfang, student council members; and Mrs. Ann McPhail sponsored the class. The senior year Hilda Smith, Robert Falk, Lorraine Makeever, and Jane Campbell enrolled in the class, and Mac Cory, Bonnie Lanning, and Janice Spencer withdrew from the class. 


The class play “Good Night, Ladies” coached by Mr. Forrest Kester, Mr. J.K.Stewart, and Rev. Thistlethwaite, was held.  Nine of the senior boys participated in sports and six of them helped in the winning of the Kankakee Valley Football Conference.  Ten seniors were in the band and received honor sweaters for three or more years of participations. Another accomplishment of the class was their helping to organize an Alumni Associations of M.H.S. An Alumni Dance with music furnished by the “Melody Men,” was held after the homecoming basketball game with Kentland, February 4th. The officers for the ensuring year were elected and Saturday, May 23,1948 was the date selected for the first banquet of the Morocco High School Alumni Association.


The seniors left approximately two hundred dollars to begin a fund to purchase cyclorama (back drop curtains) for the stage in the gymnasium. For “Kid’s Day” on May 14th, the seniors departed from the usual routine of parading around school and took the day as a holiday. That evening the Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, and Freshmen presented class night.


During the Senior Week the class went bowling at Shelby, took a trip to Chicago, went roller-skating at Fowler, and had a party, and went to Ideal Beach. On Saturday evening. May 15th the class attended the Vaughn Monroe program in the Hall of Music at Purdue University. Baccalaureate was held Sunday evening May 16th in the gymnasium and Commencement, Wednesday evening, May 19th.




THE CLASS OF 1953 graduated with 25 members, 10 girls and 15 boys.  Attending the 55th year reunion were: Silas Johnson, of Hammond, Mitzi (Lock) of Arizona, Janet (Deardurff) of Morocco, and Marjorie (Ross) of Cedar Lake.  There are 9 members that are known to be deceased.


The MHS Faculty for the 1952-53 school year: Mr. John  Cronk, Principal; Mr. Francis Goodnight, Coach/Science; Mr. Gerald Rainford, Math.:; Mrs. Jewell Russell, Home Ec; Mrs. Olive Smart, Eng./Latin; Mr. Ed Casassa, Band; Mr. Jim Walters, Ag. ; Miss Ann Yacuk, Typing; Miss Ruth Corbin, History/Gov.; Mrs. Ann McPhail, English, Rita Diedam, English; Dean Buzzard, Miss Betty Shoaf, Music; Mrs. Wendling, office secretary, and Mr. Henry Brandt, Trustee.


Looking Back; Old Gold and Black March 24, 1953


Annual Senior Play is Financially Successful                                                                         

“The Mad March Heirs”  Senior plays, they happen every year and this year was no exception. Weeks before the curtain went up, the director Mrs. Ann McPhail and the cast and all the others who helped were busy doing their parts. The seniors were selling tickets, learning their parts and trying not to get too far behind in their studies. What a time they had, trying to decide what to wear and getting everything there.

When the matinee was over they were glad and when the play was over they were relieved.

The seniors made a nice sum of money toward their senior trip. A large crowd of friends and relatives attended the play. The weather was on the senior’s side and another play is over successfully. For those who didn’t recognize all the students;

Obadiah was Eddie Clements; Letty was Laura Lucas; Hamlet was Archie Morgan; Cordelia was Sue Andis; Rosalind was Barbara Rolston; Henrietta, Janet Deardurff; Bruce Lawrence, Phil Colbourne; Jane Henning, Doris LaCosse; Madeleine Lavel, Mary Coatney; Baron Kurt Dubois, John Wendling; Beber, Jack Warne; Frieda, Shirley Allen; Fred, Darwyne Sypult; Didy Hunnicut, Janice Heyer; Bob Normal, Bob Doty and Jukes Kallikals, Silas Johnson.


Old Gold and Black May 12, 1953

Class Poem of 1953

Let’s give a salute to old Morocco High,

Raise our hand and say good-bye.

It won’t be long before our school  day’s are passed,

And most of us will say “Ha, finished at last.”

To you, Morocco High we’ve been loyal and true.

And in our heats we will always have a place for you.

When we started here, young and small,

We knew nothing; no, nothing at all.    -- A. Morgan


Prom to be At Hazelden

Juniors, Seniors, faculty and guests will attend the prom at Hazelden Country Club, Saturday night, May 16th.  Paul Gates orchestra will furnish the music. Highlight of the evening will be the crowning of the king and queen, then the Grand March. The gift for the King and Queen are being donated by Gailard Hickman, jeweler, and Spradlings.


Last of Band Events

Tuesday evening, May 8th marked the closing of the concert year for the Morocco high School band.  Forty students participated and for six seniors it meant their final performance in a Morocco band uniform.  The seniors included in this group are: Archie Morgan, Shirley Allen, Silas Johnson, Sue Andis. Barbara Rolston, and Ed Clements. …


Senior Class Enjoys Trip To Washington D.C.

The big day finally arrived and 23 excited seniors were found all packed at Brandt’s station waiting to board their chartered Greyhound bus for Washington D.C. and New York City. At 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon, April 19, the five sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. John Cronk, and Mrs. Ann McPhail joined them.


On route the group stopped to rest at Indianapolis, Englewood, Ohio, Wheeling, West Virginia, Pittsburgh, Pa and. McConnellsburg.  They arrived at the Hotel Annapolis to find out they were among 600 other seniors coming that day. …After finding their assigned rooms, several in the group took a walk that evening to see the capital at night. …. The next morning at 9 a.m. the entire group started on a Greyline bus tour of the city with the help of a very interesting guide.  Beginning with the Bureau of Printing and Engraving, American Building, tour of the White House, Arlington National Cemetery, House of Representatives, and the Senate in session and seen Ike’s plane at the airport. The remainder of the day was spent at Mount Vernon.


The evening was spent at the movies and a walk in the city. The girls had dinner at Hogates, famous for its seafood.  The next morning the group visited the museum of National History, the Smithsonian, Institute when the Presidents wives inaugural gowns are kept and the famous Pentagon before leaving for New York.


In New York City they saw the Empire State Building, Little Church Around the Corner, Wall Street, Trinity Church, China Town, the Bowery, Radio City, Central Park, Columbia University, Grant’s Tomb, Fifth Avenue, and five residential districts of the city, They went to the Cathedral of ST. John and a boat trip to the Statue of Liberty.  Going to Washington D.C. was something never to be forgotten…the seniors and sponsors all agree that they had a truly wonderful trip.




CLASS OF 1958 celebrating their 50th year Class Reunion.  There were forty-eight members of MHS Class of 1958.  Nine of our classmates have passed away, Marilou (Carlson) Woods, Gilbert Christensen, Daryl Dawson, William Doehring, Kenneth Merchant, Gayle (Riley) Warne, Lane Sypult, Howard Wiseman, and David Rybarski.


Kenneth Rainford, our senior class president, was spokesman for the class.  He had wanted to arm wrestle for the speaker’s job with senior class VP Don Hunter, but decided against that after learning that he had been the wrestling coach at Fort Wayne North and was now in the Indiana HS Wrestlers Hall of Fame.


Twenty-one of the 1958 Graduates and guests were welcomed at the home of Dave and Peggy Lindlow to celebrate and renew old acquaintances. Those present were James Bannon, William Bouse and wife, Joan (Madison) and husband, Sharon (Potts) and husband, Eddie Iwinski and wife, Kenneth Rainford and wife, Elmer Shedrow and wife, Judy Davis and husband, Patricia Koutny and husband, Marcia (Sapp), Dianne (Krueger),  Judith (Turnpaugh), Tony Myers, Don Hunter and wife, Donald DeKoker and wife, Kathryn (Christensen) and husband, Judy (Cupp), Peggy (Sellers) and husband,  Janet (Wiltfang), David Wagner and wife, and Merlin Woods.


After 50 years the majority of our members still make their home in Indiana.  10 members live in Newton County, 4 members live in Jasper County, 7 members live elsewhere in Indiana, 3 in Arizona, 3 in Florida, 1 in North Carolina, 4 in Illinois, 1 in Missouri, 1 in California, 1 in Nevada, 2 in Tennessee, 1 in Kentucky, and 1 in Texas.                                                                             


   LOOKING BACK; The Class of 1958 entered MHS as freshman on September 1, 1954.  We had a total of 72 students, 4 from Ade, 3 from Enos, 28 from Lake Village and 37 from Morocco.  It was remembered that Principal, Mr. Cronk made the remark that he didn’t know what they were going to do with us.  But we soon learned to adjust because there had to have been at least 36 students in a classroom. We soon learned the names of our new classmates, we seemed to be  “a little closer.”  During the next three years we said good-by to several who withdraw from school and welcomed a few more that enrolled. 


We were fortunate to have as teachers; (just didn’t know it then) Miss Ruth Corbin, Mrs. Ann McPhail, Mr. Gerald Rainford, Mr. Jim. Lods, Mrs. Olive Smart, Mr. Bob Smart, Miss Carol Leuck, Mrs. Anne Mathews, Gordon Richardson, Mr. Clevenger, .and Mrs. Ruth Downs, secretary.


During our junior year a few new faces, Mr. Lawrence Bannon, Principal, Mr. Paul Egli, Band director, Mr. Lyle Hudson, William Jones, and Louise Plaster.  Mr. Lloyd and later Mr. Robert Ehrick, joined the faculty.


LOOKING BACK;  Old Gold and Black May 13, 1958


The seniors of  ’58 started their four years in Morocco high school in the freshman year with Lane Sypult president of the class; Kenny Rainford, vice president; Evelyn Bushman, secretary; Kathy  Christenson, treasure;: Joannie Madison and Elmer Shedrow, student council members. Mr. Robert Smart was the sponsor of the class of 72 members. 


The class officers during the sophomore year were Don Hunter, president; Pete Merriman, vice president; Gayle Riley, secretary; Kathy Christenson, treasurer; Deanna Claywell and Don DeKoker, student council members; Mr. Lods and Mr. Rainford were the sponsors and there were 59 in the class.


Mr. Robert Smart and Mr. Lloyd were the sponsors in their junior year; Judy Davidson, president; Kenny Rainford, vice president; June Murphey, secretary; Judy Turnpaugh, treasurer; Pete Merriman and Wanda Porter were the student council members; Theme for their prom was “ Stairway to the Stars.” Kathy Christenson reigned as queen with Judy Davidson and June Murphey as her attendants.


At last they became seniors with Mr. Russell and Mr. Smart as their Sponsors; Kenny Rainford, president; Don Hunter, vice-president; June Murphey, secretary; Judy Turnpaugh, treasurer; Lane Sypult and Gayle Riley, student council members; and Sharon Potts, reporter. The senior play “If Mother Only Knew”  was a real success. All seniors are eagerly awaiting the baccalaureate and commencement exercises, which will end their days in Morocco high school. The seniors are going to have a wonderful trip *  to Washington D.C.


*The senior trip was to have been by train but was later changed to bus travel. This was more economical and  was enough money left over for each member to have eight to nine dollars of spending money. Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Brandt, and Principal, Lawrence Bannon were the chaperones



The seniors left Sunday, May 11 for Washington, D.C.  Following is the schedule they will follow:  The seniors will first stop in Pittsburgh about 6 p.m.  Enroute from Pittsburgh we will enter onto the Pennsylvania Turnpike. We arrive in Gettysburg on Monday at 11:00 a.m. Here the kids will have the opportunity to walk on the very grounds of one of America’s most decisive conflicts of the Civil War. Some of the other very interesting sights will be the Gettysburg National Military Park, They will also see the place where President Lincoln delivered his immortal Gettysburg address on November 19, 1863. Going further they will see such famous landmarks such as: Bloody Angle: where Pickett’s charge was repulsed. The most impressive of all is probably the beautiful Eternal Light Peace Memorial. President Eisenhower’s farm home adjoins and can be seen from the Battlefield.


Leaving Gettysburg they proceed via Frederick Maryland and on to Washington past the Cathedral and many embassies enroute to the Raleigh Hotel.  They will arrive in Washington, D.C. at approximately 4:30 p.m. Monday afternoon. At 7:00 Monday evening they will go on a night tour of Washington, Some sights to be seen are Cocoran Art Gallery, the Federal Reserve, the Lincoln Memorial, the Pentagon, the Jefferson Memorial  and Washington Monument.


Tuesday morning they leave the hotel at 7:45 a.m. to see the Bureau of Engraving, the Capital, the FBI building and the White House. On Tuesday night at 7:30 the bus will pick the seniors up after dinner to go and board the S.S. Mt.Vernon for the Moonlight Cruise down the Potomac to Marshall Hall Amusement Park where there is all kinks of entertainment. They will return to the hotel at approximately 11:50 p.m.


On Wednesday there will also be a tour of Annapolis that should be very interesting to see the home of the Naval Academy. Wednesday evening the seniors will have dinner at the Casino Royal, a popular nightclub in Washington.


Thursday morning the kids can sleep as late as they wish and also spend the day doing as they wish. Thursday evening will find Morocco seniors headed for home about 6:00 p.m. and they will arrive back in Morocco tired but happy about 2:00 p.m. Friday afternoon.


Baccalaureate Services were held Sunday evening May 18, 1958 at 8:00 p.m. in the Morocco Gymnasium. The invocation by Rev. LaVern Preston and the Sermon by Rev. Wayne Jordan.  Commencement Exercises were held Wednesday, May 21, 1958 at 8:00 p.m. in the Morocco Gymnasium. The address “Tickets, Please”  was given

by  Sterling L. Shaw. The presentation of diplomas was by Lawrence R. Bannon. The Invocation and Benediction by Rev. Stanley Howell.  Music by the MHS Band.  Band members of the senior class were, Jim Bannon, Bill Bouse, Marilou Carlson, Judy Cupp, Judy Davidson, Joannie Madison, Peg Sellers, Sharon Potts, Pete Merriman and Kenny Rainford.  


We seemed to have kept busy with many school organizations;  Latin Club, History Club, Hi-Y club, Pep Club,  Journalism, Student Council, class plays,  Band, Chorus, Vocal ensemble, Sunshine,  F.F.A. and sports.  There were also many fund raising events …but most will remember Mrs. McPhail’s dedication to the “popcorn concession” at all of the basketball games.




CLASS OF 1963 had 56 Graduates. Dan Blaney, class president, spoke for the class on their 45th Alumni celebration. He introduced two of their favorite teachers, Mrs. Margaret Merchant and Mrs. Charlene (Molter) Sammons. An Open House to was held in the afternoon at the Scott-Lucas house with  eighteen members attending. Graduates traveled from Oregon, Florida, Michigan, and other areas of Indiana.  They were honored to have former teachers; Mrs. Merchant, Mrs. Sammons, Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil join them in the afternoon to renew old acquaintances. 


Class members present were: Shirley (Storey), Jon Jones, Sandra (Clarkson), Larry Schanlaub, Dan Blaney, Terry Jackson, Connie(Sell), David DeKoker, Alana ‘(Lock),  Mary (Vanderwall), Carol (Potts), Mary Fitzgerald, Janet (Barnett), Gene Flagg, Dean Robinson, Rick Garmong, Gloria (Holderby).


Others members of the faculty for the 62-63 school year were: Mr. Herbert Hoffman, Principal; Mr. Royce Armstrong, Band; Mr. John Haley, Math; Mr. Ken Hanna, Business; Mrs. Jane Hoffman, Business; Bertha Holley, Librarian;  James Howell, Math/Chemistry and Year Book sponsor; Mr. Steven Johnson, Math; Mr. William Jones, History; Miss Joan Plunkett, Typing/Shorthand; Mr. Larry Pohlman, Coach/PE; Mrs. Florence Puetz, English; Mr. Edward Ryan, History; Mrs. Olive Smart, Latin; Mrs. Jean Thompson, Home Ec; Miss Nancy Traverse, PE; Mr. Wright, Agriculture;  Mrs. Jirene Longwith, Music; Mr. Jack Snell, Guidance counselor; Mrs. Merchant, English and Literature; Mrs. Frances Hayworth and Mrs. Joan Carlson were the secretaries.


LOOKING BACK; Morocco Courier March 21, 1963


Seniors Present Play

March 22 and 23 the Morocco High School Seniors will put on an extraordinarily good play. The play : “A Boy Named Beulah” will start at 7:30 p.m. CST. In the Morocco High School Gym. This play, by Jay Tobias is a smashingly entertaining three act play.


The action of the play takes place in the living room of the old Mansfield farm house in the Ozarks. It all starts when Uncle Hiram Mansfield leaves his old dilapidated farmhouse to his only heirs, Hank, Ted and Polly McBride. The McBrides decide to turn the house into “Happy Haven Health Farm: but they have no money.  Polly’s boy friend, Corky Corcoran is staying with the McBrides and paying rent but his income comes from his Aunt Beulah in England who thinks Corky is a girl. Corky asks Aunt Beulah for some money for the health farm but she complicates things by deciding to come visit him. This visit, the return of old Hiram Mansfield’s ghost, the return of Tongo, leopardman, and the connivance of a banger to get a diamond, help to make the play one of the most hilarious mysteries ever given.


LOOKING BACK; Morocco Courier May 16, 1963


Junior-Senior Prom

            The annual Junior-Senior Prom was held May 11 in the Morocco gymnasium. Each year it is the duty of the Junior Class to give a prom for the graduating seniors. This year the class of 1964 worked very loyally and diligently to have a very beautiful “Paradise of the Deep,”  The ceiling was lowered by stretching a pale blue net across the gym. Above this net hung a large octopus with twinkling lights in its suction cups. Along the sides hung fishnets with sparkling multicolored fish clinging to them.  The stage was effectively decorated with an island on which a stream of water trickled like tiny silver bells. Three palm trees stood nearby. On the grassy end of the island stood a treasure chest with elegant jewels dropping over the edge. On these jewels stood the crown for the King and Queen.


The entrance was a cave with water streaming down the sides. This water ran into a small brook with stepping stones over which the beautiful girls and their handsome date had to step.


The music was provided by the “Dukes of Swing.”  One of whose members is our own Royce Armstrong.  At 12 p.m. the dance came to a close.  From there everyone went to the Brook Theater to see “40 Pounds of Trouble.”  At 2:00 a.m. the Junior mothers served sandwiches, punch and other snacks in the gymnasium.


Looking back: May 16, 1963, Morocco Courier:



Dr. Earl L. Butz, Dean of the school of Agriculture will speak at Morocco High School Commencement to be held Thursday, May 23 in the school gym.  Baccalaureate was held Sunday, May 19, 1963 in the school gym. Invocation and Benediction by Rev. H. Hotchkiss, Sermon by Rev. E Singleton, ”What Will Measure Me?”


Commencement was held May 23, 1963 at 8:p.m.  Invocation and Benediction by Rev. Calvin Owens, Commencement Address ,“Leaders, Laborers, and Loafers” by Dr. Earl L. Butz.  Music by MHS Band.  Senior members were: Shirley Storey, flute; Pat Borth, clarinet; Phil Cox, clarinet; Donna Ketcham, clarinet; Gloria Holderby, clarinet; Sandy Clarkson, clarinet; Larry Schanlaub, clarinet; Nancy Bannon, E flat alto clarinet; Gary Bouse, Oboe; Mary Sue Elgas, alto saxophone; Mary Vanderwall, french horn; Marsha David, french horn; David DeKoker, coronet; Rex Haste, coronet; David Gulley, coronet; Dick Lipa, Trumpet; Terry Jackson, percussion; Betty Lowe, percussion.


CLASS FLOWER: white Rose.  CLASS COLORS: Gold and White.  CLASS MOTTO: “Learn to live; live to learn.”



President Schaulaub introduced Cheryl (Merchant), a member of the last Junior Class at Morocco High.  Cheryl spoke about having mixed feeling about leaving the school that she had attended since kindergarten.  Her Father, Mother and two sisters had been graduates of Morocco.  She thanked the Alumni Association for including those that were, Freshman, Sophomore, and Juniors at MHS in 1967 . …


The evening closed with all standing for another spirited singing of our school song by our  “retired” MHS cheerleaders.


President Schanlaub called for a motion of adjournment and the motion passed.



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