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Minutes of the Morocco High Alumni Banquet May 23, 2009



The 61st annual Morocco High School banquet was held in the Morocco

School gymnasium Saturday May 23, 2009.


MHS graduates and guests were welcomed to the “Old Gold and Black Social Hour” prior to the banquet by the 2009 Alumni officers.  Refreshments, served by Janice “Swartz” Yoder ‘64 and Carol “Schultz” Loveall ’69, were enjoyed by many during this time of visiting and reminiscing.


Following the Social Hour, President Dennis Boyd ’61 welcomed 225 alumni, former students, teachers and guests to the 61st Alumni Annual Banquet.  The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.  President Boyd introduced Joy “Sell” Stowers, director of the Newton/Jasper Community Band.  Joy’s (MHS ’59) interest in music was inspired by Mr. Paul Egli, director of music at Brook HS and Morocco HS (1956).  His wife Virginia (Robbins) Egli had taught music at Ade grade school (where Joy had attended). Virginia also joined the teaching staff at Morocco in 1956.


After graduation from ISU majoring in music, Joy taught one year at Clinton Prairie School, under her former mentor, Mr. Paul Egli.  After marriage and raising three children, she retuned to further her education at Valparaiso University.  In1985 until 1996 she was the band director at South Newton High School.  It was at that time she entertained the idea of organizing a community band. Twenty-four years have passed since the first Monday evening practice.  . The band gives free concerts at area parades, festivals and other community events in a six county region. They have performed two times for the Governors inauguration, three trips to Walt Disney World and soon to perform at the Red Skeleton festival in Vincennes Indiana.


The music provided by The Newton/Jasper Community Band brought back a few memories of times past.  “Back Home again in Indiana,” to welcome those who had traveled back to Indiana for the evening,   “Marches of the Armed Forces,” to salute all who have served in the Army, Navy, Coast Guard, Air Force and the Marines.  All stood when hearing the first notes of an old favorite “Wave The Flag,” and sang another spirited rendition of the Morocco School Song, “We The Students of Morocco …..”   Many years have passed and we still remember the words.  Mr. Jack Snell, MHS ‘52, delivered the invocation preceding the banquet catered by the  “Country Gals” with help of the Methodist youth group assisting.


The 2009 MHS Alumni Association meeting was called to order by President Dennis Boyd ‘61. 

He introduced of his wife, Roslyn ‘61, Vice President Ted Hayes and his wife Marsha, and Sec/Treas. Connie “Ackors” Sell ’63. President Boyd thanked the Community Band for their performance at our Annual Alumni Banquet and to Director Joy “Sell” Stowers.


Vice president Ted Hayes ’61 served as “Master of Ceremonies for the evening,” introducing the honored graduates and guests at the 2009 Alumni.


The oldest Alumnus present, Juanita McClatchey Sellers, Class of 1931, was presented with a rose.  Also, two members of the honored class of 1934 were honored with a rose, Lawson Cox and Gracie “Hagen” Rice.


VP Hayes welcomed former members of the MHS Faculty and their spouses, who were guests this evening; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Elliott, Mr. Larry and Mrs. Clara Berenda, Mr. John and Judy O’Neil.


Class of 1929

The class of 1929 graduated with 18 members. As of May 2009, there is only one surviving member, Sibyl “Sheffer” Borem of Georgia. Sibyl was unable to attend the MHS Alumni Banquet on her 80th year reunion. Our good wishes go out to Sibyl and her family.


Class of 1934

 The class of 1934 graduated with 41 members.  Tonight Lawson Cox of Morocco and Gracie “Hagen” Rice of Indianapolis are celebrating their 75th MHS Alumni reunion.

 VP Ted Hayes asked Lawson if he had played on the Morocco ball teams and his reply was “yes”, but he did set on the bench most of the time.  Gracie Rice also expressed that she had many fond memories at MHS.


Class of 1939

The class of 1939 graduated with 39 members, four members are celebrating their 70th class reunion, Richard Garmong, Edward Camblin, Ruth Ann “Kessler” Shirer, and Roberta “Kessler” Musser.


Speaker for the Class of 1939, Mrs. Roberta “Kessler” Musser: “When one says that something happened 70 years ago, it sounds like forever, but when I look back to 1939 it doesn’t seem so long ago. 1939 was actually a significant year in history since World War Two began in 1939.


Our generation, which includes many of you, has experienced a wide range of events—growing up during the depression, serving our country in the War, and raising our families in times of major changes and new developments, not to mention exploration of space. In 2001 Tom Brokow wrote a best seller about members of our generation, bringing the attention of the World to us.  Now as our country is having economic hard times, the people of today are asking how our families survived the Great Depression.


For our 50th reunion, class members recalled a few memories of our class, such as the time someone set fire to the waste basket in study hall, and at our commencement when an alarm clock went off during the ceremony.  Dick Garmong remembered falling into a creek at Turkey Run state park during the senior trip. he dried his clothes on a tree as other class members laughed at him. On Kid’s Day a class leader was sent home for coming to school in a diaper, he went home and retuned in his  “best suit.” An enthusiastic cheerleader flattened the nose of one of the players at a basketball game, --he was already recovering from a broken nose during football season. Several people remembered Mr. Stoner and his blazing blue eyes and pointing his finger, I’m sure there are many here that also can remember him. Mrs. McPhail was also a remembered teacher, although I find it hard to believe that she actually spanked high school students, especially since she was a very tiny woman.


It is a privilege to be here tonight with old friends and classmates. We thank the Alumni Association and congratulate the other classes being honored.”           - Roberta Kessler Musser


Class of 1944

Eldon Purdy, spokesman for the class, told a story of an incident with Mrs. McPhail.  On several occasions, Mrs. McPhail would have to escort unruly students to the office. This time it happened to him. He couldn’t remember what infraction had occurred, but she took him by the ear and proceeded to the office. They both got amused on the way because he was 6’2” and she had to walk on her tip toes trying to hang on to his ear.  They returned to the classroom .. No punishment….only laughter!


For the Class of 44’s  50th reunion, former class member Dick Gilbertson (Dick’s family moved before his senior year) had walked from Hobart Indiana to Morocco. (several miles each day).  Fifteen years later that was not a goal that Dick pursued for their 65th reunion.


The 1944 class graduated with 21 members; 11 members are deceased. Those celebrating their 65th reunion tonight are, Marilois “Carter” Anderson, Grace “Garmong” Bovard, Phyllis “Hammel” Brees, Betty “Hendryx” Fox, Warren Johnson, Bernice “Lane” Fontaine, Joan “Manning” Tansey, Eldon Purdy and Richard Gilbertson.


This Class of 44’s high school years were spent during the war. During the school year they would have a new teacher to replace the one who was drafted into the Armed Forces.  Mr. Jerry Mills was one of those teachers, and it was a sad time when the students at MHS heard that he had been killed in action.


Class of 1949

The Class of 1949 had 32 graduates; 10 members are deceased.  Richard Deardurff spoke for the class on their 60th reunion. He acknowledged that we were fortunate to have had dedicated teachers such as Miss Corbin and Mrs. McPhail. There have been many more changes since our school days 60 years ago.  In 1949, the automatic transmission as we know it today, was invented.


Members of the ’49 class reuniting for the 60th year class reunion were Betty “Davis” DeSilva, James Dawson, Donald Falk, Charles Kay, Helen “Madison” Miller, James Manes, Joann “Styck” Watt, and Patricia ”Thurston” McKee.


Class of 1954

The Class of 1954 graduated with 32 members.  There are nine members who have passed away, those being Janet Baird, Edwina Brandenburg, Albert M. Bruns, Leland Deardurff, Lucille Earley, Ann Lucas, Theresa Lucietta, Jerry Warne, and Peggy Storey.


Edmere “Smart” Falk was spokesperson for the class.  Edmere recalled most of the students in her class were all average, studious and did have some fun. They had looked forward to their senior trip. This was a first trip for many of the class members. The trip included sites at Washington D.C. and then on to New York City, staying at the Piccadilly Hotel.


Several of the girls wanted to see a show in Greenwich Village. Being that they were only 17 years old, the chaperons insisted that  someone go with them, so they talked a couple of the boys into going along.  Fifty-five years have passed since, but they still laugh about their adventure in the Big Apple.


The Class reunion for 1949 and 1954 was held at the Scott-Lucas Historical Home Saturday afternoon. Ann Lucas Scott was a member of the ’54 class.  Ann had left her home to the Historical Society and it has been restored to the period when it was built in the early 1900’s.  All enjoyed the tour of the home and seeing the many items on display.


Those in attendance for their 55th reunion were:  Edmere “Smart” Falk, Dave Deardurff, Wayne Harper, Judy ‘Lock” Dodd, Bernard Schultz, and Dick Wagner.


Class of 1959

The Class of 1959 graduated with 50 members; 9 members are deceased.


Attending their 50th year class reunion were: Sally “Bannon”, Larry Batchelor, Dave Brandt, Richard Brunton, Donna “Elgas”, Roger Emmrich, Robert Gonczy, Stephen Hancock, Wanda Henderson,  Ronnie Hess, Joyce Holderby, Linda Ketcham, Joy Sell, James Shireley, Lee Shirer, Thomas Shuey, Delos Spurgeon, Dennis Vanderwall, Robert Warne, Veryl Whaley, and Keith Wiltfang


Dave Brandt was the spokesman for the class of ‘59.  Dave spoke of several incidents that he remembered from first grade to graduation day.  They looked forward with great anticipation to the 4th grade picnic at Triplett’s on the last day of school, and how great it would be as a 5th grader.  Then they realized who the 5th grade teacher would be, “a real disciplinarian,” Mr. McDonald.


Dave also told the story of how he got his nickname, Deke.  At a time when his family lived across from the Methodist Church, eastward down the alley, the Wiltfang’s had a chicken house with a basketball hoop attached.  Every evening Jack and Ron Rush, Phil Johnson, a Turner boy and the Wiltfang’s would have a basketball game.  He would walk down that alley every night wanting to join in and Kick would have him wait on the sidelines, “ I never, ever, got in the game.”  One night I was going back down the alley towards home making a fuss about not getting to play and Kick hollered at me and said  “Hey Dave, there’s a church down there, go in …..”  For that reason, I got the nickname Deacon and later Deke. I have no reason why that was, but I’m very proud today to say that I knew Kick Wiltfang.


The time came when we were entering the 7th grade and going into the “big” school. When we got there, members of the classes of ‘54 and ‘55 treated us (underclassman) with respect.  And to this day they are absolutely some of the nicest people that I have ever known.


Dave related to the fact his sophomore year was difficult.  That year, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bannon and his family, Jim, Sally, Nancy, and Debbie moved to Morocco.  “I believe that Mr. Bannon was one of the finest administrators that had ever held that position at Morocco High School. I had first hand knowledge of this because I was sent to the office “three” times that year.  Those 15-minute talks stayed with me all my life.”


Dave recalled a few of the basketball games that were won and lost and the efforts of those involved. His thoughts were if we could just play on this beautiful gym floor one more time, the outcome would be different.  President Boyd handed Dave a basketball.  Dave shot at the hoop… he missed.  


Class of 1964

The Class of 1964 graduated with 41 members; 7 are deceased.


Spokesman for the ’64 class, John Hess of California, asked all who live in Morocco to stand. He thanked them for their efforts in keeping the MHS Alumni Association active.  


Those attending the 45th class reunion; John Hess, Roy Bingham, Steven Brandt, Karen Harrison, Dean Loveall, Donna McClatchey, Gary Plaster, Beverly Sherman and Janice Swartz.



MHS Alumni Association Business Agenda for the evening:

Sec/Treas. Connie Sell asked to dispense with the reading of the minutes (it was warm in the gym) and asked that the minutes posted on the web-site be accepted. Motion made and passed. Connie reported on our website, MoroccoHighSchoolAlumni.org. Dave DeKoker has done a great job as webmaster.  Contact him if there are articles of interest to be added.


Scholarship Committee

A report by Sarah Snell about the Ruth Corbin Scholarship funds stated that there are enough funds for this year’s recipient and an additional two years. Donations can be sent to Connie or to the Committee.


President Boyd presented the slate of officers for 2010:

President: Ted Hayes ‘61

Vice-President: Herb Barnett ‘61

Sec/Treas: Connie “Ackors” Sell ‘63

As there were no additional nominations, a Jack Storey made a motion to close nominations and accept slate of officers.  Motion was seconded, and passed.


School Song Tradition

The MHS Cheerleaders who were present lead the group in singing the school song:

Betty “Hagen” Kessler ‘35, Marilois “Carter” Anderson ’44, Betty “Heath” Carlson, Vickie “Kessler” Diegle, ’65, Sherri “Brunton” Warne ’60, Janice “Garmong” Shirer ’60, Carolyn “Merchant” Wiltfang ’62, Carolyn “Sirois” Brownfield ’51, Diane “Hanger” Hendryx ’52.



President Boyd spoke about the MHS Alumni Association and thanked the Class of 1948 for their efforts to organize it when they were Seniors.  Pres. Boyd thanked all who had served as officers since that first year.


A motion was made and seconded to adjourn.                 




LOOKING BACK; ……Old Gold and Black April 21, 1929



The class that will soon depart from our midst by graduation is leaving one of the most remarkable records ever left by a class of Morocco High School. They entered the Senior year heavily in debt but by overcoming all financial difficulties through ceaseless toll, they are now standing on a firm basis.


The senior class again decided to publish the Old Gold and Black, and under the expert guidance of “Chief” Yoder edited the best paper in this section of the country. Since Morocco is the only school in the county that can boast of a school paper, we should feel overly proud of our Seniors, who have made this endeavor a success.


The Class of  ‘29 has been noted for their talented students who for the past four years accredited themselves by their stage ability. Their two class plays were very well staged and were accepted with great interest. Nowhere have our seniors fell short when dramatic ability was called for.


As is customary for the graduating class to leave a gift to the school, this year an Atwater Kent radio has been presented and many new beautiful pictures now adorn our classrooms. Both gifts are of the highest class and will be of great use in the years to come. Nothing can make a school more pleasant than beautiful pictures and surely our class of ’29 has left this school much better than they found it.


LOOKING BACK; ……Friday May 17, 1929

Many Activities of Morocco Schools During Closing Week             


The past week has been commencement week for the local high school. The exercises began on last Friday night with the Junior Banquet and Prom and closing tonight (Friday) with the commencement address and presentation of diplomas at the high school auditorium. The address will be delivered by President Currier of Franklin College.


The Juniors gave a most pleasing and elaborate party on Friday night at which the Seniors were the honor guests. The high school teachers and many others were included in the invitation. On that night the assembly room had been converted into a lovely garden with a pretty fountain in the center surrounded by boulders and overhung with ferns and flowers, in which grew a beautiful tree in blossom. The color scheme used in decorations was green and orchid. Thousands of wisteria blossoms were used.


First came the grand march, then all were seated at small tables that bordered the assembly, and from which a four-course banquet was served by several 7th and 8th grade girls who were costumed in black with white aprons and caps.


Bill Williamson, junior class president presided as toastmaster. Appropriate and pleasing talks were made by the toastmaster, County Supt. W. O. Schanlaub, high school Prin. Frank Stephens, trustee F. L. Morehouse, and Senior class president, Max Roadruck.


A Kankakee Orchestra furnished music throughout the evening. Following the banquet, dancing was enjoyed until the midnight hour.


The Baccalaureate address was delivered on Sunday night at the Methodist church by Rev. J.W. Neil.  He was assisted in the service by Rev. J. H. Julian and Rev. C. E. Reidenbach. The music consisted of several numbers by the Christian church orchestra and a choir composed of members from all four churches a chorus by high school girls and boys, solos by Mrs. Bruce Hanger and Porter Garmong and a quartette composed of Mrs. De Jones, Mrs. J.E. Best, Walter McGregor, and James Daddow.


The Seniors were attired in caps and gowns which they will also wear Commencement night.

This program is given each year by the four high school classes just for fun, and the rounds of applause that greeted each number on Tuesday night was evidence that the audience was not disappointed in the year’s classes.


The only serious numbers were the salutatory and valedictory addresses, which were given by Miss Ena Graves and Miss Ruth Tuggle. Miss Tuggle is to be congratulated on being the leader of her class in scholarship during the four years of high school. Miss Ena Graves was second and Miss Blanch Ethel Sizelove was third.


The five dollar gold piece, that is awarded each year by the Kentland chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, to the student, in the 8th grade, making the highest average in American History, was presented to Miss Gartha Hanger.


The freshmen put on a basketball bash, the sophomores impersonated the fire department in action, and the juniors had a meeting of the Morocco Woman’s club. Other numbers were the key oration by Miss Blanch Ethel Sizelove, the class history by Miss Sibyl Sheffer class poem by Gailord Fox, class will by Arthur Howell, class prophecy by Violet Lock and class song by the seniors, closing with the high school song in chorus.



LOOKING BACK …..  April, 1934


The public speaking class of the high school is finishing rehearsals for the four one-act plays, which will be presented, in the high school auditorium on the evening of Wednesday, April 25.


Much time and effort has been spent on the plays by the director, Mrs. Ann Younger McPhail, as well as by students of the class. Miss Odell, who in previous class plays has so commendably taken care of stage settings, has unique schemes worked out for these plays.


The four plays which have been chosen by the director to obtain variety promise to provide an evening of excellent entertainment. Each one abounds in humor, and in seeing these four one-act plays, the class assures you that you will enjoy an evening full of laughter.


The plays and casts are as follows:

“The Blue Serge Suit” — A story of the predicament in which a man find himself when he loses his blue serge suit.


Howard Cordles……….   Elbert Archibald

Nancy, his wife………..  Geneiva Harris

The janitor…………..      David Hancock

The iceman………….     Frank Holley

The trashman………..     Donald Deardurff


“Thank You Doctor” — A striking story of a young girl who plays the part of a thief in an extraordinary way.


Mrs. Lester………..        Elba Padgett

Nurse Gray………..        Audrey James

Doctor Gurney……..       David Hancock

A patient…………          Daryl Brandt

Court………….  ..          Donald Deardurff


“Sauce For the Goslings” — A story of a distracted mother and father who determine to correct the speech used by their children, and who do so in a very peculiar but hilarious manner


Richard Taylor, father……                    Albert Yates

Margaret Taylor, mother…..                 Catherine Redden

Robert Taylor, their son…..                  Rue Gene Starr

Elizabeth Taylor, their daughter            Eva Deardurff

Martha Lee, their grandmother     .        Ruth Gorman

James Ward, friend………                   Daryl Brandt

A maid……………                              Grace Hagen


‘The Return of Deborah” — The story of a young girl whose love affairs are foiled by two old maid aunt.


Miss Jane Tompkins…..             Rosalie Triplett

Miss Sarah Tompkins……          Doris Christenson

Margaret Lawrence…….             Grace Hagen

Blossom Farrar……..                 Mary Heath

Delia………..                             Elba Padgett


LOOKING BACK…..Morocco Courier, Thursday, April 26, 1934



M.H.S. to Graduate 39 This Year—Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday Night at M.E. Church

Morocco high school on May 4 is to graduate the largest class in Newton County this year, the largest class in the history of the Morocco schools and the largest class ever graduated in the county.


Thirty-nine members comprise the graduating class and are as follows:  Robert Ackors, Byron Archibald, Elbert Archibald, Alberta Bernwanger, Orville L. Boyd, Daryl Brandt. Lawson Cox, Gene Cross, Donald Deardurff, Eva Deardurff, Ruby  Grace Garrard, Bernard Gatton, Orville H. Geesa, Lenora Maxine Goddard, Ruth Gorman, Ivan T. Hafstrom, Grace Hagen, Lela Hamilton, Dave W. Hancock, Helen W. Hanson, Geneiva Harris, Helen A. Hayworth, Mary Jane Heath, Frank Holley, Bethel Insley. Audrey James, Bessie James, Thora Mosseline Johnson, Elba Lou Ann Padgett, Wayne Potter, Thomas Purdy. Catherine Jane Redden, Edwin Roadruck, Mildred Rusch, Mary Kathleen Sinks, Paul Smart, Martin Stocky, Lyle Sypult, Charles Albert Yates.


The Baccalaureate service at the Methodist church Sunday evening will be addressed by Rev. A. B. McKain of the United Brethren church. The program will be as follows:

Processional…………              ”The Church’s One Foundation”

Call to worship….……               Rev. Lester Rasmussen 

Doxology ………….(standing)

Invocation, Lord’s Prayer…         Rev. Lester Rasmussen

Hymn……………                      ’Day is Dying in the West,”  No 131..  Congregation

Scripture……….                       Rev. J. O. Carder

“What Wouldst Thou”….             Mixed Quartette

Prayer……..                              Rev. Robert Ross

“Serve the Lord in Youth”…         Union Choir

Sermon……                              Rev. A. B. McKain

“O Master Let Me Walk With Thee”…. Union Choir

Benediction…..                          Rev. J. O Carder




LOOKING BACK  …Morocco Courier, Thursday, March 8, 1934



Defeats Kentland in Final Tilt: Will Play Hammond in Regional meet Saturday Afternoon

The Lashmen brought home the sectional honors Saturday night by defeating the Kentland five in a thrilling clash before a crowded house in the coliseum in the final game of the tourney. Bearing out our prediction of last week that they appeared to be of championship caliber they waded through Fair Oaks, Remington and Kentland to bring to Morocco their first sectional title. Kentland ended the Brook string of five straight titles by beating them in the semi-finals.


Will Meet Hammond in Regional

The sectional champs, Morocco, will meet the winner of the Gary sectional. Hammond, at Valparaiso Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. (3 p.m. – Michigan City vs. Valparaiso,)

(Evening, 8 p.m.— Final.)


Final arrangements for the trip have been completed by school officials and a large following of the Lashmen will accompany the team. Other local fans beside these already listed for the trip, are urged to drive over to Valparaiso Saturday and give the team their wholehearted support. We believe that the team has the best of chances of representing this region at the Butler fieldhouse in Indianapolis. The team has the ability and is of the championship caliber that probably will rate the state meet.


Because of our small floor, the Lashmen have undergone practice sessions at he coliseum at Kentland. The Kent school officials offered the use of the floor to the Lashmen and the local school and fans highly appreciate this concession grated us by Kentland. The worst of enemies on the field of sports, these two towns are the best of sports—win or lose.


We’ll see you in Valparaiso!


                                    THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME  ( sectional)

The championship affair opened at 8 o’clock before a crowded house and all available standing room was taken by the enormous crowd of hardwood fans, Kentland received the tip on the first play at the opening whistle but were unable to count on the play. Fast floor work and cautious plays marked the first minute and a half of the titular battle. After the ball had changed hands several times the Kentland boys went under the basket for the first marker of the game. On the next tip Morocco received the ball and a fast breaking offense sent the ball under the basket and Downs put it through the net to knot the count at 2 all.  A foul on Kentland was turned into a point by Meyer, and Morocco was leading 3 t0 2 with the first quarter half game.  Ackors registered one from the side of the floor to lead 5 to 2 and Kentland counted within a few seconds to bring the count to 5-4 for Morocco. The next two minutes saw a fast floor game with Morocco’s defense so tight that Kentland could not get through to the basket and they were forced to bombard the basket from far out on the floor,   


With a little more than a minute left in the first period Kentland connected with a long one and went into the lead 6-5. Ackors went under the basket on the next play to bring the lead back to Morocco with a 7-6 count. With only seconds remaining in the first period Kent sank a long one to lead at quarter time 8-7 with the capacity crowd in a frenzy.


The second quarter opened with Downs counting from the field to regain the lead 9-8 for Morocco. With in a quarter minute Kentland again regained their lead with a field goal and on two foul attempts they made good to lead the locals 12-9. Downs again came through for a field goal to cut the Kentland lead to one point and Shuey a moment later registered from the field to again regain the lead for Morocco.   The  Lashmen were never headed by Kentland from this point on although they were a continual threat. Downs made another field marker to increase the lead of the locals to 15-12. With three minutes of the half remaining Kentland made good one of their attempts from the charity line and in the last minute Hafstrom made good a charity toss for Morocco to lead at half time 16-13. In Morocco defense tightened up considerably and Kentland was forced to shoot longer shots than before. Several players on both teams began to show the effects of the hard games of the afternoon session.


Kentland counted in the first few seconds of the second half and Shuey retaliated with a field goal a moment later and Morocco was leading 18-15. Another from the field by Kentland and with Downs counting for Morocco on the next play from center the score read: Morocco20, Kentland 17. No scoring was counted by either team in the next four minutes and with the quarter waning Shuey registered one from the field to make 22 for Morocco and Kent made good one for a total of 19 to end the third stanza.


Ackors opened the last and final round of the championship match with a field goal and Morocco led 24-19. The next four minutes saw one of the finest exhibitions of defensive playing by both teams that has ever been witnessed in the local sectional. With the final period half gone Kentland counted from the bread line and Morocco counted from the field and the score was 26-20. On the next tip Kentland registered from the field to make the count 26-22. Shuey made a long one from near center to give Morocco a safer lead 28-22. With two minutes left to go a drive was started by Kentland.   Kentland made a foul marker to advance the score to 28-23. With less than a minute remaining Kentland sank one from the field to trail 28-25 and the Kentland and Morocco fans went wild. Kent fans went wild again from the field with only seconds to play and the count was Morocco 28, Kentland 27. Morocco kept their head and with less than ten seconds to go Downs received the ball from the tip and was headed for the Morocco basket in an endeavor to register another marker when the final gun ended the wild and exciting affray with Morocco the winner of the sectional crown—their first one.


Pulling the surprise of the year by winning the tourney the locals had their sectional opponents well in had because of their unexpected showing. Our neighbors would not give Morocco an outside chance of winning the tourney but those in the “know” had different ideas on the subject. We have a team that made a pretty poor record as far as games won and lost are concerned for the season. Kentland, Remington, Goodland and Brook had taken the Lashmen into camp this season, each one twice. But they hardly realized the transformation the locals underwent since the Brook and Remington games three weeks ago. True, they did not win the last three games of the season. Injuries and sickness crippled the team somewhat but with the showing they made in these games hopes ran high with the old standby followers and their hopes were realized in the final round.   


Let us take a look into the personnel of this championship team. The ones that make the points are not the only stars on this team. The ones that are the mainstay of the defense are also stars. It is not a one-man team. It’s a five-man all-star team and five able subs.

Downs at forward was a wizard on the floor with his uncanny way of retrieving the ball from the opponents. In the first two games he was not much on the scoring but he made up for it in fast floor work. Ackors mixed into the game in such a manner that his guarding and basket shooting made him a hero to local basketball followers. Meyer comes next in line. Coming into the team at mid-season he developed into the leader of the Morocco defense and was a center and guard that the tournament fans will not soon forget. A great defensive player is Meyer. Shuey in the guard position was a favorite of the fans. His long shots, which he is always good at, helped swell the score and his level-headed plays are not to be forgotten. Hafstrom at the guard position was another favorite of the fans. When there was a chance to get the ball from the opponents he was right in the thick of it and took some pretty hard knocks in the final game. The tournament saw his best playing of the season. Of these five Hafstrom and Ackors are lost to the team by graduation this spring and both did themselves well on their last appearance for local fans.


Five able substitutes were on the bench although only one played in the Saturday games. These five are Archibald, Yates, Bryant, Deardurff and Padgett.


            Lineup and summary:

Morocco (28)    B         F                                                Tourney Scores

Downs, f….       6          0                                              Kentland     37;     Mt. Ayr 7.

Ackors, f…..      3          0                                              Goodland    83;     Kingman 3      

Hafstrom, c…   0           1                                              Brook         41:     Demotte 13

Meyer, g…..      0          1                                              Morocco     31;     Fair Oaks 14

Shuey, g….       4          0                                              Remington  69;     Hanging Grove 12

        Totals…..13……...2                                               Kentland    24;     Rensselaer 18

                                                                                    Brook         34;     Goodland 30  OT

                                                                                    Morocco     29;     Remington 27

                                                                                    Kentland     21;     Brook 17

                                                                                    Morocco     28;     Kentland 27 (final)




Looking Back…. Old Gold and Black  May 1939

   May 18 – High school exams end.

   May 19 – Report cards given

   May 19 -- Final faculty meeting

   May 19 -- Commencements


History of the MHS SENIOR CLASS OF ‘39


Early on the morning of September 9, the inhabitants of MHS on hearing a certain buzzing sound and thinking it was many bees passing through the air looking up into the sky.

Strange parachutes were scene approaching toward the school, and what a disappointment it probably was to see only the name “freshman” painted on each parachute in bright green paint. The parachutes carried about fifty immigrants from Non High School Land who hoped to become citizens of the land if they were not considered too green.


The first meeting was called to elect officers for the year. They were: President, Jack Brunton; vice-president, Jane Hancock; secretary-treasurer, Craig Uncapher. The large undertaking of sponsoring such a class was put into the hands of Miss Corbin. However, she already had had two years to begin to know us, so she had a fairly accurate idea as to how we should be sponsored. Sometimes we wondered if it wasn’t just a trifle too accurate. Our English class made puppets and gave a puppet show of “Ivanhoe” and we also had a party to close our freshman year. We were very proud to have some of our freshman boys and girls participate in athletics and taking part in the operetta, “Shooting Stars.” We considered ourselves to be very clever that year and no doubt we were. And although Mrs. McPhail looked with contempt upon as awkward freshmen, we always had Miss Corbin’s shoulder to cry upon, for we were always getting the blame for everything—figuratively speaking, of course.


After we had gained sufficient knowledge to be considered sophomores we met and elected our class officers, who were: President, Jack Brunton; vice-president, Craig Uncapher, and secretary treasurer, Jeanne Pierson, That year we lost two of our prominent members who were Lester Stine who moved to California and Carl Yates who took up his residence in West Lafayette, The joy of sponsoring our class was given to Mr. Stoner who undertook taking our class to Turkey Run for the day. The funniest incident of the day was seeing Dick Garmong fall into the river. However, he survived and a good time was enjoyed by all. Two organizations were started that year, the Hi-Y club for boys and the Sunshine society for girls, which are two very worthy organizations. Again were had some Brilliant players who participated in both football and basketball. The new gym was finished in our sophomore year and the sectional tourney of the year was held in it.


Our junior year was one of the most important of our high- school life. Our class president, as usual, was Jack Brunton; vice-president, Craig Uncapher, and secretary-treasurer; Ed Camblin. We were very glad to have Ed in our midst again after having spent two years in Rochester. In this stage of our high school career we had lost almost all of our greenness, but losing our greenness evidently didn’t cause us to loss any of our mischievousness. This year it took both Mr. Stoner and Miss Corbin to sponsor us. Not that we were that kink of a class but simply because there was much to accomplish. We sold candy that year which incidentally was the source of our giving the seniors the kind of a prom that was worthy of being reproduced for the Frankfort high School. I don’t know that would have happened to us if it hadn’t been for Mr. Stoner and his knowledge of money values. The prom was a Hugh success even if I did have to dip the paintbrush for Jack Brunton to paint the picket fence. The only remark we had to make was that we would be satisfied if the juniors next year gave us as good a prom.

We also had the pleasure of decorating for baccalaureate and commencement. The tea, gave us the satisfaction of knowing someone would have to go through those tortures for us next year.


The last phase of our high school life finally came. The officers were: President, Jack Brunton; vice-president, Bob Smart; treasurer, Roberta Kessler, and secretary, Donald Higer.  Our seniors were particularly outstanding in basketball this year. The boys who participated in athletics were presented their due awards and most of the boys received sweaters or jackets. Two enjoyable supper parties were held this year and a senior spring dance was given by the seniors for certain purposes. The seniors were still the same brilliant students they wore when they first entered high school, but as in natural we had assumed the dignified role of a senior.  We enjoyed the prom the juniors gave us and are looking forward to baccalaureate and commencement.  Mrs.  McPhail and Mr. White were our sponsors. There were many incidents concerning thumb tacks, toads, mice fires in waste baskets, erasers, chalk, etc., that could be mentioned but we think it is better to keep the dark side of our natures to ourselves. And although we skated on thin ice for four years in high school and two years of grade school we thank Miss Corbin for enduring us without too much complaint for six years. Also, we thank Mr. Stoner for his cooperation and Mrs. McPhail and Mr. White for their cooperation, helpful talks of different matures and everything in general. There is only one complaint to be made. That is we are still receiving the blame for everything that is done—the same as we did when we were freshmen; it couldn’t be that we actually deserve it, could it?



The seniors have been enjoying senior week. The events were as follows: Monday, wiener roast; Tuesday evening, theatre party; Wednesday, party at the schoolhouse; Thursday, trip to Turkey Run, and Friday evening, commencement.



Thursday morning at 11 o’clock the senior class gave their last program for the junior and senior high school. First they sang “Good Morning,” then the class history was given by Ruth Clarkson. This told the school history of each senior from the primary grades up to the present time.  Then the class will was read by Roberta Kessler. A new feature was added this year. The class prophecy was given in the form of a play.  The best and funniest parts of the program were the impersonations of Miss Corbin by Roberta Kessler playing the “exact” episode of the time Ed Camblin sat on a thumb tack; of Mrs. McPhail by Mary Irvin trying to catch a frog in her classroom, and of Mr. Stoner by Craig Uncapher “taking care of “ Dave Lancaster during an assembly period. These were all portrayed very well.


The last part of the program was the announcement given by Mr. White of the scholarships and the D.A.R. Award of Merit presented to Jane Hancock. John Newell received an scholarship to Lafayette Business College.



Looking Back…. Old Gold and Black May 1944 

JUNIOR – SENIOR PROM  “One of the best Proms in Recent Years”


The 44-Club was the setting for the Junior-Senior Prom Saturday night. The nightclub suggestion was carried out with a large backdrop on the stage on which were painted tables, red cushioned chairs, champagne bottles, top hats, canes and gloves.


Round the floor of the gym, further carrying out the nightclub idea were table and chairs with gay colored slipcovers at which refreshments were served. The punch booth was decorated to give the effect of a bar. An artistic railing was set up around the dance floor.

            Freshman girls dressed in black and white aprons and white headgear served as waitresses.

            Music was furnished by Ernie Englund’s orchestra from the University of Illinois.


The grand march was led by Warren Graefnitz, president of the junior class, and his partner, Betty Russell. The next couple in line was Marilois Carter, president of the senior class, and her escort, Elvin Smith.


The popularity of the prom was shown by the large attendance of spectators and dancers.  The juniors with their sponsor, Mr. Stoner, have again made the prom one the highlights of the M, H.S. social season.



LOOKING BACK, … Old Gold and Black May 10,1949         


Senior Play Presented to Large Audience                        

On April 22, in the Morocco Gymnasium, the senior class presented the annual senior play. There were approximately four hundred people present. The chairs, which were set up for the occasion, were filled and many people were seated on the bleachers.


Between the second and third acts, Richard Deardurff, senior class president, presented Mrs. McPhail, the senior class sponsor and director of the play, with a large bouquet of roses from the senior class.


People were amused and deeply interested in the events of the play as it was acted out. Joann Stone, who played the part of a maid, and Denzil Borem a butler, brought many laughs from the audience.


Others in the cast of the play were Gene Parsons, Betty Baird, Gerald Purkey, Ruth LeGrand, Betty Davis, Don Falk, Dick Kain, and Elinor Russell.


Seniors Will Take Trip to Chicago For Two Days                         

The senior class of  ‘49 are planning a two-day trip to Chicago, May 12 and 13. 


Starting at 6:00 a.m. Thursday morning, they plan to see Swift’s Packing Plant, Maxwell Street and Hull House. The remainder of the time after dinner is to be spent at the Science and Industry Museum, Planetarium and Aquarium.


Reservations have been made with the Sherman Hotel for night lodging.


An early rising, followed by a morning at the Breakfast Club will start Friday’s adventures. A trip through the Board of Trade will complete the seniors’ morning.


The afternoon and evening is to be spent in touring the Steven’s Hotel, visiting Chinatown, and attending a baseball game after which the seniors and chaperones, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baird, and Roy Hickman, will start home.


Morocco Courier Thursday, May 12, 1949

Junior-Senior Prom Saturday Night to Be Swank Affair with Hawaiian Motif             


“Under Hawaiian Skies” is the forecast for the annual Junior-Senior Prom to be held Saturday, May 14 in the high school gymnasium. An “Evening in the Islands” will be spent by many couples dancing to the music of Dusty Rhodes and Satisfiers of Frankfort from 9 to 12.


The setting for this colorful affair will be “Blue Hawaii” and the theme song “To You Sweetheart, Aloha.” Girls in native costume will throw lies around the guests’ necks, as they enter, as a token of greeting.

At 10:30 the junior class president, Dottie Bingham, and her guest, Gerald Purkey, will lead the grand march through the “Aloha Land.”


Refreshments will be served on the “Isle of Gold Dreams” all evening by the junior high girls.

Mr. and Mrs. F.D. Kester and Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Stewart will chaperon the couples “At Waikiki,”




Next Wednesday evening 32 members of the Class of 1949 will be graduated from Morocco high school when Principal J. E. Stewart will present diplomas to the graduates.

Rev. Paul W. Garner will pronounce the invocation and Rev. Newton S. Gottschall the benediction at the exercises to take place at the high school gymnasium at 8 o’clock.


The speaker of the evening, Dr. Carl S. Winters will address the class of “The Fine Art of Living.” Pastor of the First Baptist church at Oak Park, Illinois, Dr. Winters is an unusually fine speaker and an authority on the youth problem. He was crime commissioner in Michigan under two governors and a Chautauqua lecturer for fourteen years. Dr. Winters’ lecture, “The Fine Art of Living.” Is considered a rival of the famous “Acres of Diamonds” by Russell Conwell.


The high school band under the direction of Vincent Stouder will furnish music consisting of four numbers.



Rev. Gilbert M. Profitt of the Baptist church will deliver the baccalaureate sermon this year at the high school gymnasium Sunday night at 8:oo. Rev. James Ellerbrook will pronounce the invocations and Rev. John Richards the benediction. Music will be furnished by the high school chorus under the direction of Vincent Stouder.


History of the MHS SENIOR CLASS OF ‘49


In the fall of the year 1945, a large class of forty-nine freshman entered Morocco High School. The class selected Donald Severs as president, Elinor Russell as vice-president. Gene Parsons as secretary, Beverly LaCosse as treasurer, and Betty Baird and Richard Whaley as student council members. The class sponsor was Doris Hodde.  Several new students enrolled during the freshman year. They were Joe Wilson, Philip Rater, and Laverne Walker. Those withdrawing were Beverly and Donald Styck, Emory Lock, Faye Smart, Norman Spoor, Virginia Henderson, Delores Bailey, Madelin Wooten, Laverne Walker, Marvin Mayhew, Mary Logston, Willard Justice, and Barbara Bratt.


The freshman as usual was initiated by the senior class of that year. The initiated consisted of green paint and bathing suits and what not for the poor freshman.


In our sophomore year, the class elected Richard Whaley as president, Gene Parsons as vice-president, Beverly LaCosse as secretary, Joann Stone as treasurer. Student council members were Gerald Purkey and Donald Falk The class sponsor was Alvin Stoner. Those entering our class during that year were James Dawson and Dorothy Kish. Those withdrawing their sophomore year were Joe Wilson, George Dick, Shirley Bennet, Floyd Flatt, Ernest Iliff, Arnold Wooten, Philip Rater and Donald McCord.


The junior year was the biggest year of all. The class selected Gene Parsons as president, Beverly LaCosse as vice president, Elinor Russell as secretary, Joann Stone as treasurer, and Gene Parsons and Gerald Purkey as student council members. The class sponsor during our junior year was Mr. Robbins. The biggest event of the year was the Junior-Senior prom, held Saturday, May 8, 1948. The theme song, “Serenade of the Bells” was chosen by the class with music by Ross Melk’s orchestra. We gained two new students during the year, Lois and Gordon Richards, who had moved to Indiana from Ohio.


In our senior year, the officers were: president, Richard Deardurff; vice-president, Beverly LaCosse; Joann Styck; secretary, and treasurer, Denzil Borem.  Student Council members were Joann Stone and Gene Parsons.

Our senior class sponsor was Mrs. Ann McPhail.  During the year Patricia Thurston joined our class coming from Lafayette.  The senior play was “Adam’s Evening”, coached by Mrs. McPhail. It was presented to the public on April 22, 1949. The seniors gifted $125 to the school.  End of school activates included Kid’s day held on May 16,  Class Night was on May 6.  May 12th and 13th the senior class went on a trip to Chicago with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baird and Roy Hickman accompanying them.




LOOKING BACK… Old Gold and Black  February 9, 1954



The Sixth Annual Morocco Student Legislature convenes Friday, February 12 at 11:00 a.m.

The sponsors of the legislature, the History club and the senior government class extend to every parent and member of the community, an invitation to attend the morning session, starting at 11 o’clock and the afternoon session starting at 1:45 on Friday. The purpose of the legislature is to show the workings of our national law-making body. Be sure not to miss it, for it is one of the high points of the school year.


Today the committees have met and have prepared their bills for presentation in the mock legislature. The sophomore, junior and senior class will take part in the proceedings, however, lest it seem that the freshmen are neglected, they are invited to be spectators. This experience will help to prepare the freshmen for the time when they will take part in making laws.


In the Senate Dan Lazaration and Robert Gibson, will act in the capacity of president. Each of these boys will serve as president at separate times.  The speaker of the House will be Gerald Born who has had much previous experience in the respect.  The clerks in the Senate are Martha Clark and Audrey Schanlaub and sergeants at arms are Jim Swartz and Dave Mead.


Rev. Robert Bond and Rev. Stanley Rolston will serve as chaplains in the House and Senate.



Morocco Courier May 20,1954

SENIORS ENJOY TRIP                         


The senior class of Morocco high school enjoyed a trip to Washington and New York during the week of May 7 to May 14. Thirty seniors along with Mrs. Ann McPhail, Mr. John Cronk and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brandt made the trip by way of a chartered bus.


During their stay in Washington, the group saw many interesting and historical places and buildings. They visited the Pan American Union Building, the Smithsonian Institute, the Lincoln Memorial, and the U. S. Bureau of Engraving. The more tireless members of the group climbed all the way to the top of the Washington monument.


One of the most important places they visited in Washington was the Capitol. There they sat in on sessions of both house of Congress, and had a opportunity to meet Representative Halleck of Indiana. The  group found the White House to be very beautiful and were very impressed with it.


Among the sights seen in New York were: Radio City, Chinatown, the Bowery, the Supreme Court Building and the Empire State Building. At Radio City they saw an interesting demonstration of how sound effects are achieved and several members of the class took part in a television demonstration.


Not many got sea -sick on the boat ride to the Statue of Liberty, and then still undaunted by the top of the statue.


Another place they visited in New York was the New York Cathedral, which is not yet completed. The last tour was through the United Nations Building. They visited all the different rooms, all of which were very modern and beautiful.


Everyone had a wonderful time on the trip, but all were glad to be home again. There is no state as great as Indiana and no town as nice as Morocco.


Baccalaureate Service was held Sunday evening, May 16, 1954 in the High School Gym at 8 o’clock

Processional, piano solo, by Lynne Russell, Invocation, Rev. John B. Spencer, music, MHS Chorus, Edward Casassa, Director, Sermon, Rev. Austin Brown, The Lord’s Prayer, Chorus, Benediction, Rev. Robert Walker


Commencement Exercises at Morocco High School Wednesday Evening, May 19, 1954 in the High School Gymnasium, 8 o’clock


Processional, High School Band, Edward Casassa, Director, Invocation, Rev. Stanley Rolston, Commencement Address, Dr. Victor Obenhaus, Presentation of Diplomas, John G. Cronk, Principal, Benediction, Rev. William Schuster





Senior Class Play  ‘Melody Madhouse’ To Be Presented Friday, March 20

The Morocco senior class of 1959 wishes to announce the coming of the annual senior play which is to be on Friday evening, March 20.


The name of the play is “Melody Madhouse.” The class believes that the fine cast of characters along with a superb staff of workers, will produce a play that both, young and old alike will thoroughly enjoy.            


Those making up the cast are:

John Stanley, a business man, Steve Hancock; Mary Stanley, a wife and mother, Janice Geller; John Junior, the son, Lee Shirer; Gladys, the romantic daughter, Donna Elgas; Sister, the pest, Sally Bannon; Grandma Stanley, Linda Ketcham; Mrs. Austin, an anxious mother, JoAlice Ulm, Mr. Austin, a business executive, Bob Warne; Stevens, a butler, Tom Shuey; Dottie Austin, a socially minded young lady, Joy Sell; Dollie Austin, a twin sister, Patsy Bruns; the radio man, Harold Kruger; the Western Union Messenger, Dennis Vanderwall.


Friends; Kenny, Dick Brunton; Joe, Dave Brandt; Polly, Joyce Turnpaugh, Jack, Dennis Vanderwall, Louise, Leta Sapp.


Forty Guests: Joe Best, Judy DeKoker, Roger Emmrich, Leta Sapp, Veryl Whaley, Jean Hyde, Myron

Doty, Cecile Kwiatkowski, Larry James, Joyce Holderby, Pat Ferkins, Joyce Turnpaugh, Ronnie Neidert, Ronnie Hess.


“Swingsters": Bob Bouse, director and Linda Woods, Wanda Henderson, Otis Haste, Norman Littlejohn.


Business Manager, Lee Bertram; Lights, Ed Bertram and Keith Wiltfang; Advertising, Cherrill Porter, Georgia Jordan, Harold Krueger, Joe Best; Curtain, Delos Spurgeon and Jerry Martin; Properties, Dick Triplett, Richard Dick, Gene Deardurff, Roy Watkins, Gary Gingham, Ushers, Jim Shireley, Bob Gonczy, Larry Bachelor, Elaine Bachelor.


“Melody Madhouse” is a play filled with action a laugh a minute, and enough variety of parts to interest

every person in the audience.


Every school and community has it Stanley family. John Stanley is dead set against Junior having an orchestra. Junior is any teenager’s dream man. However, confidentially the “Stanley Swingsters”, Junior’s dream orchestra, has a habit of playing rather "sinko” and out of the groove as often as it manages to stay in the groove. Grandma is a pleasant, scheming scalawag of a grandmother, who is ready to come to the rescue of her children or grandchildren at the drop of a hat.


Of course matters are complicationed by Junior’s sisters” Gladys, who has reached the glamour stage, and “Sis” who thinks she has reached that stage but has reached only 12 years.


When John puts his foot down squarely on the hopes of the orchestra and then is called to Washington, Grandma gets ideas. How they work out makes an evening of fun, frolic, music and good clean comedy.


Morocco Courier   April, 1959

Student Legislature Set For Morocco High


Morocco High School will conduct a student legislature Friday. The gymnasium will be the location of the “House of Representatives.” The downstairs assembly room will be the site of the “Senate.”


Proceedings will begin at 10:45 a.m., continue until lunchtime and resume for the afternoon sessions, which will end at 3:25p.m. The public may attend this function; Sen. Earl F. Landgree will visit at 10:45a.m


Robert Bouse will be the governor, Ronnie Hess, speaker of the House of Representatives, assisted by Patsy Bruns:  Sally Bannon, president of the Senate, and Linda Ketcham, assistant.


Danny Blaney will be pageboy for the Senate and James Klassen will be pageboy for the House of Representatives. William Jones, teacher will be parliamentarian for the Senate and Gerald Rainford, teacher, will be parliamentarian for the House of Representatives.


The Senate will have as clerks JoAlice Ulm and Judy DeKoker. In the House of Representatives, clerks will be Cecile Kwiatkowski and Linda Woods. The bills to be presented are “Right to Work,” “Foreign Aid,” “Legislative Re-Apportionment of Indiana,” “Capital Punishment” and “Consolidation of Schools.” There will be a total of 40 spokesmen for the bills, with four spokesmen from each of the legislative bodies.


The event is sponsored by Miss Ruth Corbin, social science teacher, assisted by David Brandt.


M. H. S. Students win 15 Firsts in All-State Contest

Forty-three Morocco high school students were entered in the All-State instrumental, piano, and the vocal contest, which was held at Butler University, last Saturday. These students participated in 32 events and received fifteen first place ratings and 17-second place ratings. They earned a total of 47 gold medals from this contest.


Band members from the Class of 1959:

Robert Bouse, Joy Sell, Sally Bannon, Linda Woods, Donna Elgas, Otis Haste, Steve Hancock, Ronnie Hess, Norman Littlejohn, Linda Ketcham, Wanda Henderson. Georgia Jordan, JoAlice Ulm and Joyce Turnpaugh.



LOOKING BACK…….Morocco  Courier  May, 1964



The Junior-Senior Prom, held on May 16 from 9 to 12 p.m., was exotically decorated for the theme. Evening in Paris. The faculty and their guests were seated at checker-clothed tables in a Parisian sidewalk café with the Eiffel Tower in the background.  The romantic air was set off by a three-foot brick wall with a trellis of flowers above and a mirror moon hanging from the ceiling. The Dukes of Swing, of which Mr. Royce Armstrong is a member, furnished very appropriate music by playing some gay and many romantic Parisian tunes.


Excitement filled the air as the announcement of the King and the queen drew near. The ’64 Senior Prom King, chosen by the junior girls was Gary Plaster. Kathleen Yoder was the Queen chosen by the senior boys.


The Grand March was then led by the King and Queen followed by the class officers of the junior and senior classes. The lovely formals were beautifully displayed in the Grand March.


After the prom the junior parents served breakfast composted of bacon, eggs, coffee and sandwiches to the faculty and to the many famished juniors and seniors.


Old Gold and Black  May ,1964

SENIOR PARTY           


On May 8 the senior’s last day of school, the cafeteria staff of Morocco high school gave the seniors a farewell dinner. They were served fish sticks, French fries, rolls, peas, tuna fish salad and all the accessories. A big thank- you to the cooks, Mrs. Smart and the girls for the magnificently decorated tables.  The senior speech class thanked Mrs. McPhail for the cake she gave them.


Old Gold and Black  May 1964

FAREWELL by Beverly Sherman


It seems impossible to me to say farewell to school, for it is the only way of life I know. All my ties and memories are here. Twelve years of not only working to graduate, but of dreaming, arguing and loving. These years have formed our lives, how do you say goodbye to a part of yourself?


Remember in grade school when we couldn’t wait to get upstairs and be big kids. Recesses were the best part of the day then. Way back there in grade school we were forming friendships and becoming a class. Then we moved to the high school building. I bet if these walls could talk they would remember us. Why, haven’t we known every knick and cranny in the old building? We never seemed to notice it being just a building, however, for this is our school, our home for many hours of the day. Just think of the halls. How many times have we gone up and down them? It seems odd now to count the few more days we will wander here. I think of all the joys and tears we have shared in these halls. Do you remember being asked for your first date here or was it the thrill of being asked to the prom? It has not all been gay here, however for we have had some hot arguments and a few bawling outs in these corridors. Yes, some of the most outstanding events in our lives occurred in these halls,

In these halls of ivy.


Do you have memories of the pit? I do I remember working in the cage and I recall the girls asked the boys to dance since they wouldn’t ask us. Then there was the time before the Twist when we danced every noon hour.


Perhaps the most memories lie in the gym. At how many games did we cry our eyes out for either the joy of winning or the disappointment of defeat or else screamed till we were hoarse.  Will we ever forget our team taking a trophy from Kentland? Think of all the buttons, hats and other paraphernalia we bought to back our team. We didn’t mind though because they were our team and we were proud of them. The sock hops also come to mind when we speak of the gym.  The curiosity of wondering whose going with whom and of course the special joy of dancing with that extra special someone has also been a part of these sock hops. Of course we will remember our prom in the gym. How we worked and worked to make it the best prom ever, and of course we all were sure it was. Even the petty arguments we had were forgotten that night, for when we entered that Paradise, we were so proud we could have split.


The stage brings thought of the plays with their silly costumes, the hours of rehearsing and the pride on opening night. Many memories of the band lie here also, practicing every morning for contest, concert, state fair, ball games or one of the numerous other engagements. Remember the broken horns, lost music, or one of the other calamities that happened here. All this will soon be replaced by others who have come to take our place.


Oh, we won’t ever forget all our activities. How many conventions, trips, parties, drives or other activities have we planned?  Remember all our initiations, each one different, and each one special.


The thing that brings back the most memories is the mention of our class.  We have been a unit, together through thick and thin. The teachers may have been right when they called us down, but we were a class and no one could run us down.  Five o’clock came awfully early when we worked at the fair. How wet we got at those car washings and how full at the bake sales. How many magazines did you take that you really didn’t need? How much a part we are of each other’s lives. But in a few days we will separate and go our different ways. True, we will have those friends our lives become more and more varied. Yes, in a few days we will say farewell. Farewell to a way of life, but it will not be a complete wonderful and beautiful memories of our lives. Yes, our footsteps will cease to echo here and our voices cease to ring, but a part of every heart will linger at our alma mater in these sacred halls of ivy. So I say farewell to all these things with an ache in my heart and a tear in my eye but with golden memories that will linger forever.

After 45 years, this is still a great article. 

-- J.S., MHS Alumni Historian


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