2023 Minutes of the MHS Alumni Banquet
The 74th Annual
Morocco High School Banquet was held in the Morocco Community Center this
year on Saturday, May 27, 2023 The Morocco
Alumni held its annual meeting on May 27th, 2023 at the Morocco
Community Center with approximately 110 folks in attendance. President Dan
Blaney opened the meeting after Dennis Boyd gave the blessing and dinner was
concluded. Dan then led the
crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. The
Veterans were also recognized. A short
business meeting was held and Mary Vanderwall Gulley
gave the Treasurer’s Report. Officers for
2024 were elected as follows: President, Beverly Sherman Bingham;
Vice-President, Barney Belt; Treasurer, Mary Vanderwall
Gulley; Historian, Judy Cupp Schultz. Dan introduced
the Honored Classes and spokespersons from each were heard. In conclusion, the cheerleaders in
attendance led the group in singing the School Fight Song! The meeting was
Adjourned. - Beverly Sherman Bingham
of 1964, President |