Morocco High School

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: MHScrest2-sm




76th Annual Dinner & Program

May 24th, 2025

5:30 p.m. Dinner (CDT)

Dinner price: $25 per person

$3.00 per year dues included with purchase of dinner ticket.

(Dues help to defray annual expenses)

2025 Classes Honored:

1940, 1945, 1950, 1955,

1960, 1965, 1970.

On the web at:


Please fill out and return by May 19th, 2025:

Mary Vanderwall Gulley ‘63, Treasurer

3813 Harry Ave.

Lafayette, IN 47905

Checks for Dues, Donations & Banquet made out to: MHS Alumni

Donations for Scholarship Fund made out to: Newton Foundation


(   ) Will attend the alumni banquet.

$______ Enclosed for tickets.



(    ) I will be unable to attend.

$______ Dues enclosed to defray expenses.


Signed:____________________ Class of 19____




City:_________________ State:____ Zip:_______

