Website Usage Statistics









Term Definitions:


HITS: (a “hit” means a search engine listed our site as a result of searches)

VISITS: (a “visit” means any person who knows the actual address of our site goes directly to it for viewing)

PAGES: (a “page” means some pages of our site were viewed by people using the internet)


Usage Statistics for the previous 6 months, ending 4/7/2021


Summary Period: Last 6 Months
Generated 07-Apr-2021 14:51 CDT

(note: Apr 2021 stats are only for the first 7 days of the month)


Total “Hits” for this period totaled 121,644 [projected to 240,000+ for full 12 months]

Avg. “Hits” for this period was 873 per day


Total “Visits” for this period was 13,243

Avg. “Visits” for this period was 102 per day


Total “Pages” for this period was 41,444

Avg. “Pages” for this period was 6,907 per month


Our password protected Alumni Email Addresses page now contains 215 alumni now.  Addresses change often, so if yours is incorrect, or someone you know is incorrect, please let us know.  If your address is not listed, the Officers are recommending you to send your email address to the webmaster, Dave DeKoker to add you to our listing.  This can be easily done by clicking on any “webmaster” link on the website to email your address to him, just leave him a note to that effect, as well please.


As you can see, our website usage has shown a very solid and ongoing usage over the past years.  The credit for this is due primarily to all the MHS Alumni who are using this site.  Thank you very much for your participation and support!


Respectfully submitted,

Description: Description: Description: MySignat


David J. DeKoker ’63, Webmaster



